Herbal Mother Tinctures Ø
Aesculus Hippocastanum mother tincture, Horse Chestnut
Vitex Agnus Castus mother tincture, Chaste berry, Chaste Tree, Monk's pepper
Arnica Montana mother tincture, Leopard's bane, Mountain tobacco, Wolf's bane
Artemesia Vulgaris mother tincture, Common wormwood, Mugwort
Baptisia Tinctora mother tincture, Wild Indigo, Horse-fly, Weed, Rattlebush,
Berberis Aquifolium mother tincture, Oregon Grape Root, Mountain grape, Holly-leaved barberry
Berberis Vulgaris mother tincture, Barberry, European barberry
Calendula Officinalis mother tincture, Gold bloom, Matigold, Marybud
Capsella Bursa-pastoris mother tincture, Shepherd's purse, Lady's purse,
Capsicum Frutensces mother tincture, Cayenne Fruits, Chilly pepper, Paprika, Red pepper, Hot pepper
Carduus Marianus mother tincture, Milk Thistle, Silybom Marianum. Lady's thistle, St Mary's Thistle
Actaea Racemosa, Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga) mother tincture
Cimicifuga Racemora mother tincture, Black cohosh, Actea Racemosa, Black Snakeroot,
Crataegus laevigata mother tincture, Hawthorn Berry, Midland hawthorn, English hawthorn, woodland hawthorn
Cynarab Scolymus mother tincture, Globe Artichoke mother tincture
Dioscorea Vilosa mother tincture, Wild Yam, Colic root, Rheumatism root,
Echinacea Purpurea mother tincture, Purple coneflower,
Eschscholzia Californica mother tincture, California poppy, Golden poppy, Cup of gold
Eucalyptus Globulus mother tincture, Fevertree, Gum tree, Tasmanian Bluegum
Fucus Vesiculus mother tincture, Kelp, Black Tang, Bladderwrack, Seawrack
Galega Officinalis mother tincture, Goats Rue Herb, French lilac, Italian fitch, Professor-weed
Galium Aperine mother tincture, Cleavers herb, Clivers Goosegrass, Catchweed
Ginkgo Biloba mother tincture, Maidenhair tree, Fosil tree, Kew tree
Hamamelis Virginiana mother tincture, Witch Hazel,
Hydrastis Canadensis mother tincture, Golden Seal, Yellow root,
Hypericum Perforatum mother tincture, St John's wort
Combination of Hypericum and Calendula equal quantities
Larrea Mexicanan mother tincture, Chaparral, Creosote bush
Taraxicum, Carduus Mar, Chelidonium mother tincture in equal parts
Medicago Sativa mother tincture, Alfalfa, Lucerne, Purple Medick
Passiflora Incarnata mother tincture, Passion Flower, Apricot vine, Grenadille, Paypop, Passion vine
Paullinia Cupana mother tincture, Guarana, Guarana Bread, Brazilian Cocoa
Plantago Major mother tincture, Plantain, Greater Plantain, General plantain
Polygonum Multiflorum mother tincture, He Shou Wu. Fo-Ti. Flowery Knotweed. Solomon's seal, Lady's seals,
Ranunculus Ficara mother tincture, Pile wort Herb, Lesser Celandrine, Ficaria verna, Fig buttercup
Salvia Officinalis mother tincture. Golden Sage, Common Sage
Sarothamnus Scoparius mother tincture, Broom tops, Common broom, Scotch broom
Saw Palmetto mother tincture, Sabal. Serenoa Repens
Solidago Virgaurea mother tincture. European Goldenrod. Woundwort.
Syzygium Jambulanum (Cumini), Jambol, Jambolan, Jamun
Taraxicum Officinale mother tincture, Common Dandelion
Thuja Occidentalis mother tincture, Tree of life, White cedar,
Urtica Urens mother tincture. Annual Nettle, Dwarf Nettle, Small Nettle.
Valariana Officinalis mother tincture. Valerian. All-Heal, Belgian Valarian,Garden Valarian, Fragrant Valarian
Verbascum Thaspus mother tincture. Mullein, Great Mullein, Common Mullein
Viburnum Opulus mother tincture. Guelder Rose, Water Elder, Cramp Bark, Euripean Cranberrybush, Snowball tree.
Vitex Agnus Castus mother tincture, Chaste tree berry, Monk's pepper, Chasteberry
Zanthoxylum clava-herculis mother tincture. Southern prickly ash. Pepperwood, Prickly ash